mashinaikana shoes
nimashinaikana my shoes

To express that something belongs to us, nouns take a personal prefix that indicates the person of the possessor; for example, ni-, tshi-, or u-.

mashinaikan a shoe
nimashinaikan my shoe
tshimashinaikan your shoe
umashinaikan his or her shoe


The personal prefixes used with nouns to express possession are almost the same as those used with verbs (to indicate the participants in the event) when they are conjugated in the independent mode.

nimukuman my knife
ninipan I sleep


The “conjugation” of possessive nouns depends on their gender (animate or inanimate), their stem and whether or not they take the possessive suffix -im.

Tables of Possessed Nouns:
NA with -im: auass
NI with -im: tshiman
NA without -im: teueikan
NI without -im: massin