Tanite tekuak ush? Shakaikanit anite takuan. Where is the boat? It’s on the lake.

The locative noun shakaikan ‘lake’ in the above example is in the locative. The locative is marked by the suffix -it. It indicates location, direction, or position.

Sometimes the locative suffix is written and pronounced as -t or -ut, as in the following examples:

Add only -t
nipi nipit in the water
ashini ashinit on the rock
assi assit in/on the land
Final u is dropped
meshkanau meshkanat on the road, the trail
utenau utenat in town
Final u changes to i
shipu shipit in/on the river
pitshu pitshit in the gum
Raised u becomes u and -t is added
masseku massekut in the marsh
minishtiku minishtikut on the island

To specify position or direction the locative noun can be combined with a particle of location, like: utat behindpessish close toshipa under, etc.

This page was adapted from Clarke, S. et MacKenzie, M. (2010): Labrador Innu-Aimun: an introduction to the Sheshatshiu dialect. Second edition. Department of Linguistics. Memorial University. (lesson 4, p.20)

Note: While place names and toponyms are often locative, their form in the Innu dictionary is never in the locative.