Table of Possessed Inanimate Nouns with -im: tshiman match

Possessed Proximate Obviative
Possessor Singular (3s) Plural (3p) Singular (4s) Plural (4p)
niń (1s) nitshimanim nitshimanima nitshimanimińu nitshimanima
my match my matches my match my matches
tshiń (2s) tshitshimanim tshitshimanima tshitshimanimińu tshitshimanima
your match your matches your match your matches
nińan (1p) nitshimaniminan nitshimaniminana nitshimaniminanńu nitshimaniminana
our match (but not yours) our matches (but not yours) our match (but not yours) our matches (but not yours)
tshińanu (21p) tshitshimaniminan / tshitshimaniminu tshitshimaniminana / tshitshimaniminua tshitshimaniminanńu tshitshimaniminana / tshitshimaniminua
our match (yours and mine) our matches (yours and mine) our match (yours and mine) our matches (yours and mine)
tshińuau (2p) tshitshimanimuau tshitshimanimuaua tshitshimanimuauńu tshitshimanimuaua
your match your matches your match your matches
uiń (3s) utshimanim utshimanima
his or her match his or her matches
uińuau (3p) utshimanimuau utshimanimuaua
their match their matches
neńua (4) utshimanimińu utshimanimińua
his or her match (e.g. of his or her friend(s)) his or her matches / their matches (e.g. of his, her or their friend(s))