Table of Possessed Inanimate Nouns without -im : massin shoe

Possessed Proximate Obviative
Possessor Singular Plural Singular Plural
niń (1s) nimassin nimassina nimassinińu nimassina
my shoe my shoes my shoe my shoes
tshiń (2s) tshimassin tshimassina tshimassinińu tshimassina
your shoe your shoes your shoe your shoes
nińan (1pe) nimassinnan nimassinnana nimassinnanńu nimassinnana
our shoe (but not yours) our shoes (but not yours) our shoe (but not yours) our shoes (but not yours)
tshińanu (1pi) tshimassinnan / tshimassinnu tshimassinnana / tshimassinnua tshimassinnanńu tshimassinnana / tshimassinnua
our shoe (yours and mine) our shoes (yours and mine our shoe (yours and mine) our shoes (yours and mine)
tshińuau (2p) tshimassinuau tshimassinuaua tshimassinuauńu tshimassinuaua
your shoe your shoes your shoe your shoes
uiń (3s) umassin umassina
his or her shoe his or her shoes
uińuau (3p) umassinuau umassinuaua
their shoe their shoes
neńua (4) umassinńu umassinńua
his or her shoe (e.g. of his or her friend(s)) his or her shoes / their shoes (e.g. of his, her or their friend(s))