Participles are verbs that are commonly used like nouns. For this reason, they are called nominalisations. For some participles, the original verb may not even exist anymore; in this case, they exist in the lexicon only as nouns.
In the dictionary, nominalisations are marked using the following abbreviations:
NAP: noun animate participle
NIP: noun inanimate participle
Junker, M.-O., Mollen, Y. et St-Onge, H. (2015). Participes. Dans Grammaire innue / Innu Grammar / Aimun-Mashinaikan. Repéré à [URL]
Marie-Odile Junker, Yvette Mollen et Hélène St-Onge. Participes. Dans Grammaire innue / Innu Grammar / Aimun-Mashinaikan. 2015. Web. [date]
[URL] = l’addresse du site web, débutant avec le “http://” [Date] = la date à laquelle la page a été consultée, écrit comme suit: 10 déc. 2013
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